Class Sessions

Gentle Flow Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga delivers similar benefits to the practice of other styles of Yoga and provides people who may otherwise be unable to practice Yoga an opportunity to enjoy the physical, mental and spiritual benefits that Yoga has to offer. 

The Gentle Flow Chair Yoga class provides gentle movements and stretches for muscles and joints. We explore moving and stretching the whole body.

Finish the hour off with a Muscle Relaxation Meditation, Guided relaxation Meditation and Positive affirmations for mindfulness, healing, connection and “wholsitic” body bliss.

Weighted Chair Yoga

Our Weighted Chair Yoga class key focus is building muscle and bone strength.

We use weights (recommended no more that 1kg to start) to strengthen the upper body and move the lower body, as well as Asanas that focus on bone strength, muscle strength and balance.

Class structure combines gentle low seated and standing to warm up joints and muscles before starting, followed by 20 minutes of weights and warm-down.

Finish the hour off with a Muscle Relaxation Meditation, Guided relaxation Meditation and Positive affirmations for mindfulness, healing, connection and “wholsitic” body bliss.

Chair Yoga with Resistance Bands

Join us for a class of muscle and strength building using resistance bands. We focus on the lower and upper body: seated and standing positions. 

We also combine the bands with gentle flow to warm-up and stretch those muscle and joints.

Suitable for everyone, beginners and advanced. Resistance bands are available in class to purchase. Light and Medium grade available.

Finish the hour off with a Muscle Relaxation Meditation, Guided relaxation Meditation and Positive affirmations for mindfulness, healing, connection and “wholsitic” body bliss.



Double-Chaired Yoga

Double Chair Yoga uses two chairs instead of a single chair.

In this form of Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga [TM] we bring the floor up to the two chairs, making double chair Yoga even more accessible than mat Yoga! The legs reach out over the second chair instead of being on the floor.

Double Chair Yoga provides deeper experience to the Asanas being performed.

The class is structured to enjoy single, double and standing positions for a full body stretch, strengthen and movement.

Finish the hour off with a Muscle Relaxation Meditation, Guided relaxation Meditation and Positive affirmations for mindfulness, healing, connection and “wholsitic” body bliss.


Love this! After warming the muscles and joints with Gentle Flow seated and standing positions, we follow on with 20 mins of dancing on the chair!.

Designed to have some fun as well as providing a gentle cardiac routine. No previous dance experience or co-ordination required!

Finish the hour off with a Muscle Relaxation Meditation, Guided relaxation Meditation and Positive affirmations for mindfulness, healing, connection and “wholsitic” body bliss.

Wheelchair Yoga

Practicing Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga [TM] is such a blessing for those on the wheelchair and for their caregivers!

We practice gentle flow, gentle stretching and moving the body. With the use of props such as Yoga Blocks, Bolsters, pillows, Yoga straps and another chair, we can explore deeper movements and stretches.

Always nice to finish with a Muscle Relaxation Meditation, Guided Meditation and Positive Affirmations to bring a feel-good vibe to your day.

Paired Yoga

Pair Chair Yoga is like partner mat Yoga. It is suitable for classes, workshops, holiday themes, semi-private sessions and Yoga setting.

It is performed with two students, each on their own chair. Have some fun with this! Paired Chair Yoga can provide a deeper stretch in each Asana.

In pair Chair Yoga, students get to master “conscious communication” with one another by starting at level 1 flexibility and working to a level that suits both students. 

A very good exercise in learning positive communication with another person and team work! and … fun!

Finish the hour off with a Muscle Relaxation Meditation, Guided relaxation Meditation and Positive affirmations for mindfulness, healing, connection and “wholsitic” body bliss.