Happiness is a state of being. It is a pleasurable emotion that can be exhilarating, delightful or peaceful. It is a state of mind which originates internally. External possessions and …
Finding Happiness…

The Big Life Journal – A Review
My passion and role as a Holistic Life Coach is to help people work out what areas of their life that are needing attention and to be bought back into …

Managing Christmas Stress
The build-up to Christmas can become quite over-whelming and stressful. About 53% of consumers plan to leave Christmas shopping until the last Saturday before Christmas. A-lot of people also this …

Affirmations – How They Help with Negative Mindsets
Affirmations can be used to reprogram erroneous and unproductive subconscious (or even conscious) belief systems to install new more positive and useful belief systems. They are self-empowering, self-governed, free and …